What is BTLI?
BTLI is a weeklong intensive continuing education event for clergy and laity for training, worship, and fellowship. The institute is designed for clergy and lay leaders who would like to deepen their thinking and preaching by learning from preeminent scholars of theology and religion. In 2024, Beyond the Label of Pentecostalism: The Holy Spirit at Work in Many Spaces and Places
How can you become a BTLI fellow?
All interested leaders are urged to apply, including those who may not have formal theological training. BTLI is limited to 50 fellows. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
What to expect
BTLI fellows, faculty, and staff gather on the Princeton Theological Seminary campus to think deeply about theology and leadership through robust academics and thoughtful discernment. BTLI is known for its thoughtful and inspiring daily worship. The demanding schedule includes:
- In-depth orientation
- Plenaries on key theological doctrines, social justice, and leadership
- Annual Betsey Stockton Lecture
- Access to Princeton Seminary’s world-renowned library and generous study time
- Daily Q&A
- Daily worship
- Guided cohort group discussions
- Mentorship